Machine orientation is required before first use, and is available anytime as a refresher for free
Request on slack or via e-mail:
Level II
Machine Orientation Required
Safety Glasses Required
CNC Router - Capable of routing 4' X 8' sheet
Pre-Operation Checklist
Power-up control box
insert tool and zero x,y, and z
load gcode and verify tool path is correct( starting point, workpiece orientation, and misses hold down clamps
Does your tool have the necessary travel to avoid endtops X, Y, Z?
Check dust gates and add dust shroud
Arm the Router
When you are sure the machine is set, click cycle start. the code will run and stop at a tool change code.... Last chance to review,,,,,,Click cycle start again. The router will spin up and move to the
home position. If it does not spin -up before moving home, hit the emergency stop button. Check that you armed the router, reload the code and start again.
Post Operation Checklist
Dis-arm the Router
Remove your bit and store the collet
Move the spindle to just short of the Y endstop
Raise the spindle until it hit the z endstop
Turn off the control box and close software(!!!!If the router is still armed, it will spin up!!!)
Use the dust collection remote to manually start the dust collection, manually open the gate using the wall switch, clean-up better than you found it.
Orientation is required for first use, and a refresher should be requested if it has been a while since last use. It is complicated, not intuitive, and expensive. Help us keep the equipment in good working order and available for all.
That said, Vectic Software has made CNC way more accessible, so let us help you give it a try
CVM has a VCARVE Pro Makerspace Edition available to our members. You will need to be added to our organization after which you will be asked to create a vectric account. You will then have access to all of the learning resources, be able to import tool libraries, and save design files and toolpaths. You will need to save your work, and process your toolpaths into gcode at the makerspace on one of five licensed workstations. Save your work to a thumb drive and it will only take minutes to process the file for use on the router.
Please do not log-in to your personal vcarve account on a makerspace workstation. It is different software than the makerspace licensed gcode creating version, and you will lose your work and make it inoperable for others until the login issue is corrected.You WILL need to login to the software (11.5 vcarve) that you downloaded to your personal PC. By doing so, it gives you more functionality and makes sure what is the trial version, won't expire. You will find the login in the upper right of the software.To Sum Up:
Do NOT login to your personal account on a makerspace workstation.
Do login to your software on your home computer
Save your file, which can then be re-opened on a CVM workstation and then you will be able to postprocess your toolpaths, creating gcode.
Fusion 360 is a popular CAD program available to students and hobby users for free. It is better suited for designing 3D parts(CAD) for milling on the Tormach. However, it can also be used to process(CAM) toolpaths for use on the CNC router as well